Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Online Activity

Edward Burtynsky on manufactured landscapes

I watched the video where Burtynsky talks about sustainability. He shows numerous photographs of the largest man made manufactured landscapes in the world. Places like the three gorges damn, largest tire pile in the world, coal mines, largest oil field in California, and the largest urban renewal project in Shanghai. He discuses Asia's increasing footprint which is directly related to the increasing population, development, and pollution. He talks about Asia's increasing economy and how a lot of our materials are being shipped there to be recycled. Some of his photographs are of huge plants that have thousands of workers and are producing a lot of the worlds manufactured goods.

His photographs are beautiful but have a scary symbolism that our ecological foot print is rising and we need to reduce it. He believes that if we start to reduce it here in North America then the principle of conservation will hopefully have an impact in Asia.

He also talks about his blog: http://www.worldchanging.com/. Which after some review has a good source of different news and links for sustainability. It covers areas related to sustainability such as cities, communities, business, politics, and our planet.

Another initiative Burtynsky is taking is developing a program for children to come up with sustainable ideas so that they can grasp the concept and learn to protect our planet. He is offering incentives such as prizes and money for schools so that it becomes successful. This is such a good idea because if these children learn at a young age then they will grow up using good sustainability practices.

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